We are so excited to be opening for blueberry picking Mid July! We usually open for the season right after the July 4th holiday, but Mother Nature just isn't cooperating, and we need about another week or so for the berries to ripen. We want you to have the best picking experience possible.
Please check back daily for picking updates. (here, call the the farmstand for a daily recording, Facebook, and Instagram as well) Our Farm Store, as always, has limited hours in July until our veggies come in. We are open Thur-Sun 9-1, and will update when we expand our hours. Unfortunately, Mother Nature has played a cruel trick on us, and sent us some -15 temps in February causing us to lose our entire stone fruit crop, so no cherries, peaches, or plums this year :( We know, we are super bummed out. Blueberries look abundant however, and we are excited to see everyone!